Political Surfer


Rants and Raves

(Not necessarily in that order)

December 8, 2023

December 25, 2024:

Nobody was listening when Madonna said ,

“ the American people don’t know they just elected their first Muslim president after Obama was elected the first time “ !

The Governor of Washington State has been the Federal 9 th District Court since the Bolt Decision in 1974 !

July 31, 2023


They say,' Washington State is the #1 place to live in the U. S.A. .

I moved to Pt. Townsend, Wa. in 2010 because of the state's liberal marijuana laws. That was the biggest mistake of my life.

Pt. Townsend is the first city I have been to where school children think that the North American Union (U.S.A., Canada, Mexico) are all one country .

Judge George Boldt’s decision in 1974 allowed the U.S. 9th District Court to grant all fishing rights to the indigenous population and away from you and me ( tax paying citizens ) . It is a giant land grab . A local Rino politician once told me he saw a letter from the Pentagon that said," The Olympic Peninsula is for the Indians , the Navy and the billionaire's."

The marijuana industry has been taken from the people and given to a mafia-esque based system that is based on favors and bribes. Rinos and democrats control the debacle that is Washington State politics.

The Boldt Decision has produced more division than unity; it has created an environment ( after 5 decades ) that creates collection boxes that say, " Jefferson County anti-racism fund".

If you read this before I can get out of here, my advice to you is: warn America about what the Rinos and the Democrats have created in the un-American sanctuary state of Washington.... A globalist state.... My advice for those who stay... grow some balls and regain control for the citizens by

re-adressing sanctuary cities and the Boldt Decision of 1974.

Want to buy a farm?





Tucson Bob asks surfers : Do they like the idea of boys competing against girls as girls in surfing competitions ..... How would they feel about Kelly Slater sponsoring a boys against girls in a girl's surfing contest that raises money for the democrats ?

As a 'Soul Surfer' the contest thing was never an attraction for me but ....Kelly Slater is the Tom Brady of my chosen sport and deserves huge respect for his skill and discipline ... and he plays the guitar and sings original songs !

Most of my surfing friends are Christians and as Christians we believe that reversing God's Creation is the work of satan ..... I think a lot of pro-surfers claim to be Christians ... How do they feel about boys surfing against girls in a girl's surfing competition ?